IMM lesson 2, Exe2

April 29, 2009

1. Find 3 examples of passive, reactive and interactivity in everyday life
2. Find 3 examples of passive, reactive and interactivity on the internet
3. Which aspect(s) of each example is considered interactive?
4. Is there a varied degree of interactivity in each example?
5. If possible, explain with photos/ sketch/shots/sketches of the chosen examples.

1. Find 3 examples of passive, reactive and interactivity in everyday life.


  • During your least favourite class
    (your face will be U_U)
  • When new assignments are in
    (Your face will be >(  Haha!)
  • When you’re asleep
    (You go “zzz..”)


  • Doing sports you adore
  • Playing an awesome game
  • Watching videos of your favourite celebrities!


  • Talking on the phone
  • Listening to 98.7fm
  • Nagged by your parents

2. Find 3 examples of passive, reactive & interactivity on the internet


  • Wordy website
  • Non user friendly
  • Virus(!)


  • Flash
  • Popups
  • Emoticons/images


  • Music/audio
  • Advertisements
  • MSN messenger!(Webcam)

3. Which aspect(s) of each example is considered interactive?

When and where they get to interact and communicate with the second participant/viewer/user. Thus, if they leave an impression on someone, it is interactive.

4. Is there a varied degree of interactivity in each example?

In general, all examples given are interactive in their own way.

For Passive, although they are more negative compared to reactive, it is still interactive as it affects your emotions and is still informative. However, users tend to miss out the content as they felt that it’s not engaging enough.

As for Reactive, it is similar to “Interactivity”. Both attracts the user much more. It has sound and contain visual effects which would ‘charm’ the viewers/users.

“Interactivity”, however is the most interactive as it allows users to interact with their friends online. Communication is seen and information is spreaded at the same time. More over, there will be opinions/feelings/feedbacks to each other. In short, it’s 2 sided or multi communication.

5. IF possible, explain with photos/sketch/shots/sketches of the chosen examples.



  • eg. Emoticons to represent your current emotions




  • eg. Webcamming

#1: Interacting with my Bestfriend

#2: Communicating/keeping in contact with my bro whose in Aussie so we’d know how he is doing.

(side note: Sorry for his face Hahahahahaha)

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